Autos by Nick Turpin

– This project brings together two of the most prominent aspects of life in the metropolis, advertising and the automobile. Shiny new vehicles passing through the city are illuminated by huge bright screens of Coca Cola red, Samsung Orange and Xbox green. The light on the bodywork is reminiscent of the ‘liquid light’ effect of much car advertising photography. These are documentary pictures of the everyday that echo the aesthetic of the high end commercial photography studio.

The automobile bathed in the light of advertising is an appropriate metaphor for the omnipresence of advertising in a world where we are all sold to constantly and every one of us is classified into consumer types. The 785.5m2 screen in Piccadilly Circus, the largest in Europe, claims to have an audience of ‘City Sophisticates’, ‘Lavish Lifestyles’ and ‘Career Climbers’. –

Autos is a captivating photo series by Nick, featuring cars photographed at night in Piccadilly Circus, London. The images are taken with the backdrop of the giant advertising screen above, highlighting the omnipresence of advertising in public spaces. Nick noticed the reflection of ads on the shiny new car surfaces and was fascinated by the alluring colours they carried. However, capturing these photos was a risky process. Nick had to wait for the cars to be static and time his shooting with the traffic lights. To get the desired effect, he used a long, stabilised lens and slow shutter speeds. The billboards helped with the composition, exposing the bright advertising and darkening the background behind the cars. The series plays on the traditional car-advertising photography style, which Nick subverts to make a point. He aims to offer viewers a deeper understanding of the commercialisation of modern life. As a street photographer, Nick observes us when we're too busy to notice, and with Autos, he successfully conveys this message.


Nick Turpin is a renowned street photographer who started his career with The Independent in London at 20. He is one of the few photographers worldwide who shoot commissioned street photography for clients. Nick founded the in-public street photographers group in 2000, playing a significant role in the resurgence of interest in the approach. His series of London commuters 'On The Night Bus' was published to acclaim in 2017. Nick is known for commenting on the street photography scene and has broadened his practice to include architectural, interiors, and public realm photography. He has taught and lectured on street photography for various organizations, including Apple, The Sony World Photography Organization, and Tate Modern.


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