Zac Technique in the Street

A "Zac" shot conveys the essence of the story while only showing a piece of it.

"Zac" is an intriguing Italian onomatopoeic word that aptly captures the sound of scissors cutting through the material. This term is thoughtfully applied to images that skillfully isolate and present only a portion of a scene, thereby inviting the viewer to imaginatively expand upon the captured fragment and complete the image. I have been reflecting on the difficulty and potential misunderstanding surrounding this challenge.

In truth, some photographers seamlessly incorporate this challenge into their work due to their innate curiosity, keen observation skills, and ability to capture striking images. These photographers specialize in capturing intricate details which can also be found within the realm of street photography, as evidenced by the submissions in this competition. Throughout the competition, we've been exposed to photographs that are more conceptual, inspired, or thought-provoking, which has made it a truly enriching experience despite the initial challenges.

Our judges had different opinions about this category. Michael Dressel thought it was the simplest, while Kevin Lim suggested that a photograph that immediately grabs the audience's attention should imply a story through the use of a fragment of a scene. Michael Kennedy said that in the "Zac" category, the motif of ambiguity informs all these photographs, which can otherwise stand on their own.

Some photographers have shown their skill in this technique, with more than one photo among the finalists. This includes the winner, Eric Davidove, and Massimo Russo, who came in third place. Federico Borobio also captured images that can tell a great story from a small detail. Other notable photographers are Daniel Dunlop, Laura Leijnen with her conceptual shots, Raffaele Maglione, and Pepe Alvarez Rogel. Then there are photographers like Niklas Lindskog and Ilhan Sen, who used the natural zac, and created the fragment that tells us about the total structure itself.

Eric Davidove FIRST PLACE


Massimo Russo THIRD PLACE

Eric Davidove

 Eric resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. When he's not teaching yoga or walking other people’s dogs, he enjoys taking walks through the city streets with his camera. Since 2015, he has walked thousands of miles in urban areas, capturing street photography influenced by his background as a street mime. Trained to anticipate and react to human behaviour in order to evoke laughter, it's no surprise that many of his street photographs exude a sense of quirkiness, humour, and satire. His photos aim to encourage people to reconsider their surroundings and be more present. He has received recognition in various competitions and publications and participated in exhibitions. Recently, he joined the Candid City Street Photography Collective in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Ami Strachan

Ami is an Indonesian photographer living in Livingston, Scotland, United Kingdom.

“Street photography is about capturing what's around you, being confident, and handling people's reactions when taking their photo. I've been running workshops since 2017, introducing street photography to others and motivating them to improve. Attendees often gain the confidence to go out independently and start ‘seeing things,’ which is the most challenging part of street photography. My advice to beginners is to go out, make lots of mistakes, and most importantly, enjoy it!”

Massimo Russo

 In 2015, Massimo Russo, an Italian photographer based in Roma, started his journey into photography by acquiring his first camera, igniting a profound passion for visual storytelling and the art of capturing moments. Over the years, he has honed his skills, particularly excelling in encapsulating the vibrant essence of travel experiences through his lens. His focus has extended to encompass a deep-seated fascination with documentary photography and the intricate nuances of portraiture. Having undergone formal education in photography, Massimo demonstrates a preference for the captivating realm of colour photography, leveraging its vivid and expressive qualities to convey powerful narratives. Notably, since 2021, he has been an engaged and proactive member of Collettivo.21, a distinguished collective of street photographers.