Vitual Festival 2023
Vitual Festival 2023
When we launched this money and nostalgia challenge, we had a hunch that there was a link between the two themes and the results proved us right. Even without looking at the separate categories, it is evident that many of the images evoke a strong feeling of nostalgia. While money is an essential part of our lives, we can balance our materialistic desires with our sentimental memories, dreams, and the creative ideas that still resonate within us.
Dietmar Temps
Dietmar lives in Cologne, Germany and works in the media business and as a freelance photographer. He realized many photo trips to Africa, South America and Asia. On his travel blog (, he writes about beautiful spots around the world that he visited in recent years. He also publishes his photographic work on several stock photo agencies.
Eduard Idelson
Born in Leningrad (Petersburg) in 1976. Right after college, he got married and moved to Israel. Did road engineering and some small photo projects for Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At the same time started street photography. In 2007 moved to the USA. Started a career as an electrical engineer. Divorced. Married again. Continue to do street photography. Has two boys (3 and 7 years old). Works as a field engineer in an insulation company.
Alberto M. Melis
He is a teacher, journalist, children's writer and photographer. He lives in Sardinia. He devotes himself to different photographic genres (including reportage, portraiture and landscape), today he is mainly interested in Street Photography, a theatre whose plots and stages are without beginning and without end.
Aurélien Bomy
Born in Nantes in 1978, Aurélien developed a taste and interest for the arts at an early stage. He is a clinical psychologist. In parallel with this path, he continues an artistic practice in various ways. He finds out the use of tools that allow him to give a new impulse to his artistic work, in photography and the creation of animated collages (Video-collages / motion design).
Dietmar Temps - 1° Money Colour ________ "Dietmar informed us that he took this image in Armenia, a street scene in Gyumri. But this photo could be taken in many parts of the world, a symbolic picture that makes you think. A zac that, precisely because it is faceless, becomes much more meaningful and respectful." Batsceba Hardy __________"Temps' photo is entirely different, but a compelling portrait, even without the face. The dust on the clothes, the banknote loosely held in hand, a minimal image that says a lot." Richard Bram
Eduard Idelson – 1° Monet B/W________________"Street photography is closely related to documentary photography and I feel this image works on both levels. As well as being a 'classic' street photo, it tells a story too - the seedy side of money. I might have avoided the stray arm on the right hand side but a good image." John Gill __________ "Idelson’s skill as a photography reveals how to elevate a commonplace slice of life in any urban city by using juxtaposition, the rule of thirds, lens choice and the passive-aggressive display of how money affects our lives." Michael Kennedy_________ "I come from the world of street photography and seek gestures and something that makes me go WOW! Eduard Idelson's photo did just that - I mean look at that guy with the girls all around him, just wallowing in the things that bring him money - the bouncer in the door behind, the girls twerking for him, young guys hanging about - There is a great story in this photograph." Richard Bram _______"The individuals standing outside the dance hall provide a sense of intrigue or a mysterious element to the scene. The exact circumstances are not fully discernible, but the image generates enough tension to pique the viewer's curiosity about the identities and actions of those present. Creating a sense of suggestion without outright certainty is personally significant to me." Michael Dressel
Alberto M. Melis – 1° Nostalgia B/W _ "Melis relies heavily on shadows, with several shades of gray, to draw the focus to the subject – a woman, gazing out the window, seemingly lost in thought. The combination of B&W and wide-angle lens choice work perfectly for just the right touch of ambiguity, with the woman potentially lost in nostalgia over “what it was, what it is, and what it will be.” Michael Kennedy
Aurélien Bomy – 1° Nostalgia Colour ________"A thought , a window, a fragment of memory" Kevin Lim _________ "is the beautiful photo of Aurelian Bomy, the girl lost in thought behind a window frame." Richard Bram
Placings in second and third positions.
João Coelho – 2° Money B/W
Baruch Gian – 2° Money Colour
Fernand De Canne – 2° Nostalgia Colour
Bruce Saille – 2° Nostalgia B/W
David Shortland – 3° Money Colour
Eric Davidove – 3° Money B/W
Frans Kemper – 3 Nostalgia B/W
Lola Minister – 3° Nostalgia Colour
João Coelho - 2° Money B/W ______________ "This image has an ambiguity that I like. It's important that an image gets the viewer to think. We can't tell if the subject is someone begging, or it could be someone gambling in the street. " John Gill __________"Coelho excels at B&W documentary photography, whether the sub-genre is photojournalism or street, and this singular image of money secured by weathered toes of a modest sandal evokes the signifcance of money, regardless of our station in life" Michael Kennedy _____ "money underfoot signifying its low priority in the hierarchy of values when gambling is involved." Kevin Lim
Baruch Gian – 2° Money Colour________"Seems he works hard for the money to collect the paper to sell it, other people just collect expensive watches." Siegfried Hansen _________ "Wonderful contrast of a spiritual crowd collecting cash from above in an upside-down umbrella." Kevin Lim ____________ "Gian's photograph of the pink umbrella full of cash floating above that sea of white is simply gorgeous and is indeed about money and cash, but in a different way to nearly every other photograph. That's enough for me. (But he needs to make the photo one stop brighter - I'm an old printer so notice this sort of thing.)" Richard Bram
Fernand De Canne – 2° Nostalgia Colour_____ "Just like a Giorgio De Chirico painting." Kevin Lim ________ "This image reminded me of Delvaux's fairytale surrealism. The nostalgic feeling was evoked by the shade, like a doubling of future and past." Batsceba Hardy
Bruce Saille – 2° Nostalgia B/W__________ "Reminiscence." Kevin Lim _______ "An image that portrays nostalgia powerfully. The woman's movement represents transformation through time, creating a truly symbolic image." Batsceba Hardy
David Shortland – 3° Money Colour ________ "I also really like David Shortland's photograph of moneyed people having a casual drink. It's an elegant abstract but with subtle undertones of wealth and boredom." Richard Bram _______ "Colored nails, an aperitif and a mobile phone: the society of money in one scene, without faces" Batsceba Hardy
Eric Davidove – 3° Money B/W _______ "A perfect composition in shades of white, gray, and black. Welcome to Play: Money, Money, Money in a society of genders." Batsceba Hardy ___________"The bizarre performance may take centre stage but it's hard to ignore the massive advertising hoarding that signifies money and greed. A witty composition." Keef Charles
Frans Kemper – 3 Nostalgia B/W_________"Frans effectively sweeps a contemporary image into past realms, with one deft stroke." Keef Charles _________ "The nostalgic filter in this collective imagination." Batsceba Hardy
Lola Minister – 3° Nostalgia Colour _________ "Minister's masterful photo collage, remembering of things past, even past lives." Richard Bram _________"Lola's image pulls at the heart strings, speaking of loss and times gone by. A powerful image." Keef Charles ___________"Nostalgia: the memory of things past, as Shakespeare said." Batsceba Hardy
Placings in fourth positions.
Scott Murrish – 4° Money B/W
Gulen Erendag – 4° Money Colour
Fabien Pondevaux - 4° Nostalgia Colour
Lyn Hollenbeck – 4° Nostalgia B/W
Dov Oron – 4° Money Colour
Sam Benari – 4° Money B/W
Luca Regoli – 4° Nostalgia Colour
Delfim Correlo – 4° Nostalgia B/W
Verónica Romanenghi – 4° Money Colour
Patty DeJuneas – 4 Money B/W
James Payne – 4° Nostalgia Colour
Magda Fulger – 4° Nostalgia B/W

Scott Murrish – 4° Money B/w _____________ "Murrish's photo of the rodeo girls at night with the big display reward checks is a beautiful image, a very American image. This photograph speaks of a specific place and subject, the composition is elegant, and again. it is explicitly about money. " Richard Bram

Gulen Erendag – 4° Money Colour __________ "An image that encompasses the two themes, money and nostalgia. Who are the flowers for? Does wealth bring happiness? Can a fake landscape awaken memories?" Batsceba Hardy

Fabien Pondevaux – 4° Nostalgia Colour _________ "A woman has been catapulted from the present time into the past time, in search of her memories. The cell phone is the testimony of this. This symbolic image is perfectly constructed, tone on tone." Batsceba Hardy ________"I barely notice the mobile in this shot. This composition, artistic and minimal, transports me to the 1950s. Elegant and simply beautiful." Keef Charles

Lyn Hollenbeck – 4° Nostalgia B/W_____ "Hollenbeck uses a wonderful balance of form, shapes and light to evoke nostalgia, an emotional – or at least thoughtful reflection of happy or better times in the past. His choice of B&W makes this a riveting image." Michael Kennedy ____________"Beautiful and of another age." Kevin Lim

Dov Oron – 4° Money Colour_______ "Oron creates a very strong image with minimal elements. The use of light, shape and choice of color is excellent – but the ambiguity is the most powerful aspect of the photograph because this allows our imagination to infuse the image with so much potential." Michael Kennedy

Sam Benari – 4° Money B/W _________ "A perfect representation of the affluent society rendered in spectacular black and white. The scene is theatrical and perfectly orchestrated with her at the centre." Batsceba Hardy
Luca Regoli – 4° Nostalgia Colour ________ "Regoli's photo with the warm light and shadows creating a narrative that recalls early and perhaps lost love, a longing for something in the past." Richard Bram

Delfim Correlo – 4° Nostalgia B/W_________"This double exposure looks good and nostalgic.Playing in the childhood at the beach." Siegfried Hansen _________ "Now and then ... then and now?" Kevin Lim
Verónica Romanenghi – 4° Money Colour _______ "This is a unique story. I'm uncertain whether the cat is being sold or purchased, but the image evokes an uncomfortable sensation. It aptly illustrates how everything is being monetized. It's perfectly crafted." Batsceba Hardy

Patty DeJuneas – 4 Money B/W ________________ "A 'traditional' BW street photo and none the worse for that. I feel it shows our relationship with money well." John Gill _______ " Has a great significant gesture: a guy holding up a bill to ensure it is not counterfeit." Richard Bram

James Payne – 4° Nostalgia Colour __________"Great photo of good moment – the two old ladies and the modern mannequin in the background ." Siegfried Hansen ___________ "Payne deftly evokes nostalgia in a composition that suggests the cycle of life, with three generations in one composition – yet with two older women separated from two younger women, perhaps reminiscing about their own long ago youth." Michael Kennedy

Magda Fulger – 4° Nostalgia B/W _______"This image is evocative, perfect for our theme. But this photographer is an expert on Nostalgia." Batsceba Hardy
Patty DeJuneas - "Politics is about money and power. Strong, graphic." Keef Charles
Eduardo Storch _________"Eduardo's has a very complex story as well; the man's expression is tense, nervous, and maybe even a bit guilty as the woman gives him money." Richard Bram
Jay Tanen _________"He works hard for the money. A famous song. Seems a lot of money but maybe this are only 1 dollar notes?" Siegried Hansen _________ "Jay Tanen and a camera always means a compelling story of the human condition, whether at courtside for the U.S. Tennis Open, or one of the streets of New York City, where he calls home. The image of a street musician, dignified and proud for what he’s earned, is trademark Tanen in every way – for both his inspiring competency and how he honors his subjects." Michael Kennedy
Jay Tanen - ''A captivating image that transports you beyond the present moment, like the start of a story with a happy ending." Batsceba Hardy
Maxim Marienko - "'An analogue image, of which the original has been lost, but which tells its story as if in a beautiful frame.' Batsceba Hardy
Partha Das - "An intelligent detail: having money in hand, ready to exchange for something. Waiting with nervousness. Beautiful black and white colors." Batsceba Hardy
Stacy Widelitz - "A beautiful image that portrays dissatisfaction! The subject's disappointed expression conveys a message: why isn't anyone interested in playing and winning? The composition and lighting are excellent." Batsceba Hardy
Gershon Gilat - "The king is in his counting house, counting out his money?" Keef Charles
Niklas Lindskog – "Niklas captured a good moment. The rich people on the top of the platform and workers directly under the stairs." Siegfried Hansen _____"Reminds me of the image by Alfred Stieglitz– The Steerage, where the 2 tier division of rich and poor was very defined .." Kevin Lim
Eduard Idelson – "The rich and poor contant on the point." Siegfried Hansen
Raffaele Maglione – "Strange situation, to hope to get money when you are sleeping. " Siegfried Hansen _______"I found the sleeping beggar with a basket containing very few coins visually interesting and emotionally touching." Michael Dressel
Gershon Gilat "With a theme of money, depictions of poverty is inevitable. I think it is too easy to create impersonal cliches of poverty, this image shows the humanity behind it." John Gill
Richard Keshen - "A man, stripped of dignity, asks for help in a strong black and white scene that amplifies his silent desperation." Batsceba Hardy
Alain van Hille – "Typical sitaution in big cities, the man needs help and the police cant or don’t want to anything." Siegfried Hansen
Elpidio Talens Juan – "Money smells sweet even through a mask." Kevin Lim
Lola Minister –"Dolce Vita at the beach. There are always rich people which don’t care about money." Siegfried Hansen
Reine Claude Pralus – "The visual hierarchy tells us that those who pay dominate in height , out of sight , over those who sell.." Kevin Lim
Swee Hoe "A wonderful surreal moment but I don't have enough money in my wallet to give you." Gabi Ben Avarham
Donski – "Donski’s photograph is powerful for its effective use of the basic elements of a compelling visual story about the human condition, and the significance of money. The choice of an older woman as the subject counting her money makes this instantly relatable in a way that a younger subject could not have achieved." Michael Kennedy
Neville Fan "Coin and more coin and maybe at the end I will be able to buy what I want" Gabi Ben Avraham
Richard Keshen – "Wonderful juxtaposition." Kevin Lim
Annette van Dijk-Leek – "van Dijk-Leek’s photograph is noteworthy for reminding us the value of lessons about helping those who need our help. She renders this old-as-time story with delicacy and compassion, speaking to the three generations involved in the basic cycle of life" Michael Kennedy
Annette van Dijk-Leek – " Interesting perspective and layers." Kevin Lim
Don Scott – "Street photography is Scott’s hobby, but he’s also a high school art teacher. So, it’s no surprise that his hobby and his profession translate into strong photographic images that tell compelling stories of the human condition. For the motif of money, Scott demonstrates his skills superbly, with his trade-mark empathy for his subjects. " Michael Kennedy
Patrick Merino – "Merino consistently produces some of the finest contemporary street photography. He is the unofficial professor on the language of photography, and his image of a woman in between train carriages is a perfect example of so much subtly packed into one composition – with just the right touch of ambiguity. " Michael Kennedy ______"Travel, romance , days gone by, a brief encounter perchance" Kevin Lim
Anne Launcelott – "Launcelott’s photography is always concerned with the human condition, and her deft ability to render images that are insightful, dignified and universal is on full display in this image of a common man taking stock of his money while in transit to his next destination. Based on her skillful eye for light and composition, we are right there with this passenger and can relate to this slice of life." Michael Kennedy ________ "Candid, discrete intimate relationship with money" Kevin Lim
Don Scott – "Poor and rich in one picture. He tries to protect his body with a blanket and she show the leg. " Siegfried Hansen
Elpidio Talens Juan – "H seems to work hard for the money to collect the paper to sell it, other people just collect expensive watches." Siegfried Hansen
Eric Davidove – "Corporate USA – with associated guard dogs keeping all at bay." Kevin Lim
Bogo Pečnikar - "The man waiting to withdraw his money is perfectly illuminated by the light, creating colorful and geometric areas. It's an image that has been seen hundreds of times, but never immortalized in such a poetic way." Batsceba Hardy
Lola Minister - "The littered and generally unkempt street create strange juxta for this young woman, fashionably dressed. Great money shot." Keef Charles
Patrick Merino – "A man made out - 'blood money'" Kevin Lim
Marilyn Strauss - "The sad irony of being in the Rat Race." Kevin Lim
Richard Keshen – "Keshan is an extremely accomplished photographer who skillfully uses shape and form, and lens choice to document in color the age-old card shark scene common in the poor and immigrant neighbors in the major cities of Europe and North America. Yet his subtle blending of the language of photography is a master class in street photography." Michael Kennedy
Saikat Chanda – "Visual dominance by height and the facelessness of those who have and those who have not." Kevin Lim
Naama Zeevi Rivlin – "The man seems to exhibit its wealth, surrounded by a pink nostalgic atmosphere." Batsceba Hardy
Niklas Lindskog - "A clean, simple image that tells us how life can be worth a few cents." Batsceba Hardy
Bruno Lavi - "Making profit from animals is unethical. The photographer captured the animal's palpable sadness under warm light.." Batsceba Hardy
Patty DeJuneas - "This is a brilliant capture by Patty, it is the ugly side of money writ large. Very powerful." Keef Charles
Richard Papworth - "Money - sex. There's no need to say anything else for this masterfully coloured nocturnal." Batsceba Hardy
Veronica Romanenghi - " The person responsible for distributing illusions is often the first to feel unhappy." Batsceba Hardy
Sam Derbyshire - "A beautiful image representing the money generated by tourism, with a particular nuance of colors." Batsceba Hardy
Tina Manley - "A photographer who knows how to get in touch with local populations. The happiness in getting the reward for work done is so genuine." Batsceba Hardy
Paul Kessel - "The concept of money in this image is disguised. We can hear it in the thoughts of the advancing people." Batsceba Hardy
Rosalie Heller - "The usual scene at the market, but in a pastel nuance that gives the image a fairy-tale aura." Batsceba Hardy
Bernardo Tome Barbero - "Great juxta as 'one of the people' rides in the opposite direction to the 'fat banker! The sign proclaims that "ALL THE COMMANDMENTS OF CAPITALISM CAN BE SUMMARISED IN ONE: NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, THE BANKING WINS". Clever shot." Keef Charles
Goutam Maiti – "Maili's balloon seller is again different. This is his world, not ours - it is not a photo of what to Western eyes is exptic, but what is everyday to him. The colors are what it is about as much as the exchange of money in the middle. The subjects pay no attention to him because he is one of them, not an outsider." Richard Bram
James Payne – "I really like this picture. The way the hand is resting on the counter, the man taking care of the food in the background, the cashier counting the change, and the photographer reflected in the till all add to the scene. The view of life outside the window is also a nice touch. The colors are perfectly nuanced, making it a great interpretation of our theme." Batsceba Hardy
Audrey C. Tiernan _ "The desperate need to win is palpable in this graphic portrayal of gambling's hold. Good close up." Keef Charles
Dick Verton – "The stretching of his body makes the pictures. Everybody is stretching for money ." Siegfried Hansen ________ This beggar's story is made more intriguing by the clever capture of his physical dexterity in reaching for the money." Keef Charles
Hilda Vandermeulen – "Time and old clocks are a good connection to be nostalgic. Great picture." Siegfried Hansen
Richard Keshen – "Nice situation the old car in front, open doors, and the woman stands in the nature." Siegfried Hansen
Christian Dumont – "Father and daughter going to the fairy tail – nostalgie pure. " Siegfried Hansen ________ "Fairgrounds ... nostalgia overdrive." Kevin Lim
Martyn Austria - "The memory of being happy with nothing, captured masterfully in a melancholic black and white scene." Batsceba Hardy
Angel Rodriguez -"Masterful capture. I love the way this police car seems to be screaming along the street, very cinematic and nostalgic." Keef Charles
Anne de Beauvoir - "A powerful image, the past that resurfaces from the earth. A feather tells us about a possible flight" Batsceba Hardy
George Koulouridis - "The reflection always transports us to another space-time dimension. In this case, the fragmented image and the hint of gesture evoke pure nostalgia." Batsceba Hardy
George Koulouridis - "The word 'nostalgia' comes from the Greek words 'nostos' meaning return and 'algos' meaning suffering. and George, with this simple portrait, represents very well the pain of longing for something or someone from the past." Batsceba Hardy
Simone Christina Sander - "Sometimes, memories can make you feel like you're walking on air, transporting you to a magical place like Neverland." Batsceba Hardy
Donski – "Did you ever run in the rain as a child? Maybe kids in wealthy countries can't experience that anymore. It's a shame...just pure nostalgia." Batsceba Hardy ___"Simple childhood pleasures, like splashing in rain filled streets, can be so nostalgic." Keef Charles
Mario Barrela - "An expressionist image that opens many doors (better to say French windows) on our memories." Batsceba Hardy
Saikat Chanda - "Stars, fireflies, reflected droplets... the right night for memories." Batsceba Hardy
Sláva Sedlačiková - "A beautiful, perfectly composed image that evokes nostalgia for a world before digital." Batsceba Hardy
Fourth Barleta – "Bartleta paints effectively with the light and shadow of B&W tones to evoke a dreamy atmosphere that suggests nostalgia for childhood, ala A Remembrance of Things Past." Michael Kennedy
Richard Keshen - "A nostalgic mystery?" Batsceba Hardy
Saikat Chanda – "A simple kite and an untethered dog speaks of a world we all once remembered now almost lost in the name of progress." Kevin Lim
Ines Papon - "The soft focus and the falling snow down old town streets helps create a beautifully nostalgic atmosphere." Keef Charles
Patricia Kerkhofs - "The movement, the blur and b/w give this a really retro feel. Delightful." Keef Charles
Bruce Saille – "I like the mood in the background with the oldtimer in the foreground" Siegfried Hansen
John St "Thoughts: If I had enough money - what could I do with it " Gabi Ben Avraham
Barnana Hemoprava Sarkar – "The now and the yet to come." Kevin Lim
Nadia Eeckhout – "Lets talk about the good old times . That what I see in the picture." Siegfried Hansen
Benedetta Falugi – "Ephemeral ... Who with ... What if and When?" Kevin Lim
Anton Kokoreff – "Nice situation with the old car and the petticoat. Time journey backwards in the fifty, sixties" Siegfried Hansen
Elpidio Talens Juan - "What memories lie beneath the hat? The world outside feels colorless...."Batsceba Hardy
Hector Marrero – "Great moment of a sun down. Maybe in cuba looks very nostalgic." Siegfried Hansen
Matveenko Andrew – "A symobolic photo maybe in 30 years is it forbidden to swim in a sea. Because of the clima change." Siegfried Hansen
Anabel Zequeira – "Great play with the for and background, it could be his mother or wife ? Maybe he plays a song for them" Siegfried Hansen
Eric Davidove – "It's a funny picture with the balloon in front of the face. Interesting if we had thought like that 20 years ago. The times are changing fast." Siegfried Hansen________ "Always and ever a carnival is always nostalgic, a red nose clown or a Magritte Son of Man Allusion." Kevin Lim
Lola Minister – "Youth and age on one plane." Kevin Lim
Bernhard Wasem – "Is the strange photo of Bernhard Wasem, a longing for a child's toy, a companion of dreams in a strangely colored inner landscape." Richard Bram
Alberto M. Melis – "An empty chair on a deserted beach and an isolated rock in the middle of a flat sea. Pure nostalgic symbolism." Batsceba Hardy
Manas Das – Upon first glance, the image is disturbing, but upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that it is fake money intended for play. A smile escapes you. The mirror game's image is constructed excellently." Batsceba Hardy
Reine Claude Pralus - "The Wall of Memories. The calendar adds the dimension of a time gone by." Batsceba Hardy
Cassian Edwards - "It seems like the phone is out of order, but it's possible to call someone who lives in the past, much like the character who walks by the window full of colourful writing." Batsceba Hardy
Rene Geensen - "This image could belong to all of us, a past that breaks through in a simple and direct way." Batsceba Hardy
Simone Christina Sander - "The photographer has taken a series of photos in this location, but this one is truly the most significant. With just three touches of red, we were transported into a fairy tale from our childhood." Batsceba Hardy
James Payne - "This feels like the 70s to me, the building, the reflection. Love the hues, mood and split storytelling." Keef Charles
Jonathan Petit-Matsuzawa - "Is the woman in the poster the protagonist of the man's memories while he smokes? The scene captures everyday life with delightful yellow accents." Batsceba Hardy
Nadia Eeckhout - "The snow quen squeezing the pillows, that's what this image always makes me think. But then I see the couple in the background walking through her memories. A beautiful image that plays gently with reflections." Batsceba Hardy
Annette Lang - "What can a storm bring to our memory? The bird in the foreground makes this image unforgettable" Batsceba Hardy
Saikat Chanda - "The head on a pole gives this pic a strange twist but it's a beautiful moody image otherwise. The textures are wonderful, as is the capture of crows." Keef Charles
Rene Stuardo - "The light reveals details that seem to have no precise order within the room. Something that belongs to the perennial past" Batsceba Hardy
Swee Hoe - "What is pink? a rose is pink/ By a fountain’s brink. (C.Rossetti)" Our memories are caged like the bird. Batsceba Hardy
Saikat Chanda - "Even in the shadows, a solar image can still be seen. The child is soaring through a world of desires with red in the foreground and yellow in the background." Batsceba Hardy
Gudrun Schoenemann - "This may not be the archetypal nostalgia shot for most but it resonates with me. The image takes me back to scenes from my boyhood, the mood has been skilfully created." Keef Charles
Gudrun Schoenemann - "This is a beautifully crafted image that takes the viewer back to former times. The texture, composition and mood really add to the sense of nostalgia." Keef Charles
Maria Vilks - "The 500 is a symbol that represents everyone, depicted in an image where yellow blends with orange, resembling an explosion of light. It evokes our nostalgia." Batsceba Hardy
Eric Davidove – "Davidove quickly establishes the nostalgia motif with two young boys playing a pickup game of basketball – as a dazzling bright yellow 1960 Corvair Monza dominates nearly half the image. The combination of composition, light, lens choice and color instantly elevates this to a brilliant photograph that speaks to nostalgia." Michael Kennedy
Eric Davidove - "This POV really highlights the little boy on tiptoes and father with phone cam. It seems to speak of aspirations and desire. Great shot." Keef Charles
Don Scott -"A modern world which mum and son (perhaps with some coercion) refuse to full accept?" Keef Charles
Eduardo Storch - "The man's face appeared lost in thought, illuminated by a ray of light in the midst of a bustling crowd who seemed unaware of his presence." Batsceba Hardy