Vaporized Memories by Lukasz Palka

Contrails against a painted sky, crows circling urban spires, rooftops cast in the neon glow...

Vaporized Memories is a series of images evoking nostalgia for a time that never was.

The sun sets on the techno-utopia of the past—a future path no longer visible from our present, only existing in our memories, ephemeral like water vapour in the sky.


Contrails against a painted sky, crows circling urban spires, rooftops cast in neon glow.... Vaporized Memories is a series of images evoking nostalgia for a time that never was. The sun sets on the techno-utopia of the past—a future path no longer visible from our present, only existing in our memories, ephemeral like water vapor in the air.

This body of work arises from an uncanny sense that the future we are living in now is not the future from our collective dreams of decades past. There was a time when our visions of the future were infused with optimism, and we longed for technology to deliver us from economic inequality and ecological ruin. But those dreams have not become reality, and now instead of optimism, the future evokes fear and ennui. And amidst our present we find the ruins of a future that exists only in the collecting memory of civilization: in media and in the imagination.


What money can buy by Gabi Ben Avraham


New York City Nostalgia Train by Martin Ingber