A collection of short articles on photography
We have flawless skin and perfect teeth. We have wide and sparkling eyes. Sometimes we have rabbit ears and unicorn horns. Mirrors lie to us. We are in exotic locations eating expensive meals. We exist on 6inch screens. This is our social media life.
There are more 'photographs' (although the definition is increasingly vague) taken of us than ever before. There are fewer photographs taken of real life than ever before. Even before our iPhone's AI steps in, we lie to the camera. We straighten our hair and suck in our guts. We choose our 'best' side and arrange our lighting. But in the real world, this is not who we are.
On the street, in real life, there is no Rembrandt or Butterfly lighting arrangements. We are illuminated by the fluorescent lights in cafes or the glow from a charity shop window. This is who we really are.
Perhaps it is because I'm not a good studio photographer, but the only way I can capture people is candidly on the streets. Or in pub doorways, or in cafes. All my 'portraits' are taken in this way. No posing, no asking for permission, no retrospective request for approval.
I don't really see these pictures as specific to the subject. I see them as reflections of all of us. Real life.