When I'm on my travels, I sometimes blog

NYC & Mexico trip epilogue

Hello everybody!

It was April 10th and we were in New York again after traveling from Mexico City on the previous day.
Our flight back to Sweden was in the late afternoon, so we thought we'd do something in the morning. After breakfast and a nice chat with our hosts Michael and Francisco, we took a walk on the Upper West Side. We walked from W 104th St, where they live south on Amsterdam Avenue to W 79th St. Then we crossed over to Columbus Avenue and went back north again. It was a nice walk, about 90 minutes, in very nice weather, sunny and about 17C. Both me and Sam thought it was a shame to go home now, New York felt pretty damn good...but that's life.

Back in Umeå and a after resting during few days of jet lag, on the Tuesday after coming home, I had to take my car to the workshop for some maintenance. I didn't have to be at work, so I decided to do a photo walk. Something I have not done much in my home town in later years.
It was the time of year when the piles of snow along the roads and the birches growing up through them kind of feel like kindred spirits. If you get my drift...pun intended.
I'm hoping to do this more often since I always feel that both body and mind need a long reboot period every time I go on a trip. Probably since I don't go as often as I used to.

One bonus episode - Mexico City by Night - is coming soon, and then the blog will rest until next time.

Take care, guys!



When I'm on my travels, I sometimes blog


When I'm on my travels, I sometimes blog